Friday, August 25, 2006

Warm ups at Soccer

Warm ups at Soccer
Originally uploaded by egret's nest.
Tonight was the last night of Summer Soccer. Traditionally, the parents take the kids on in an end of session game. One might expect the parents to go easy on the little guys (this is the 6-8 year old group). Well, not these parents. We trounced the little blighters 6-3. Yours truly scored two goals! Gage scored one goal. Ruth did some great mid-field ball handling. It was really fun.

Gage had a hard time with the loss. But, that's what happens when you start the trash talk at home.

Gage to me -- "Mom, we're gonna kick your butts!"
Me -- "Gage, you can't talk that way to me."
Gage -- "But Mom, we ARE!"

Totally fun session! And, the kids are moving up to Intermediate in the Fall, I guess. Their coach is really pleased with how well they've progressed this summer. Yay!

Gage at SoccerGage is really loving soccer -- it's important to him and the highlight of his week.

Ruth enjoys it and is good at it. But, she doesn't live for it. Ruth at Soccer

1 comment:

LauraHinNJ said...

Go grown-ups! Show them little ones how it's done!

Sounds like fun!