Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Lunch with Auntie Jody!

Lunch with Auntie Jody
Originally uploaded by egret's nest.
We went into Palo Alto today and had lunch with my sister. Greg had a lunch date too -- to interview a potential bass player for his band, Mind Furniture! So, we drove over together and that was fun.

We ate at Pizza My Heart in downtown Palo Alto. While we were there, the kids got educated on 9-11 and the need for a Truth Commission to investigate what's going on with the war in Iraq. They were asking about the oversized Deception Dollar posted in front of a booth and I answered their questions. The woman in the booth thought it was really cute and brought them both Deception Dollars. I was pleased that she said, "If its okay with your Mom!" For me, it was a funny incident. I went to San Francisco State and got quite good at letting people know that I did not want them to hand me their pamphlets. And, then we lived in Palo Alto for about 13 years and that skill came in handy there as well. My country kids aren't used to seeing protesters or anything like that so it was good for them to see what life is like in a University town!

After we ate our fantastic pizza, we walked down to a new bakery and got cream puffs! Oh. My. Goodness. They were SO good! YUM!

We talked, we walked, we traded hostages -- I have a new Japanese craft mag to check out! It was so much fun.

The ONE thing I miss about being over in Palo Alto is having lunch with my sister. We used to meet several times a month for lunch and I really miss that. It was great that it worked out well although you don't get to have a good long talk with two kidlets who hear everything in tow.

Unfortunately, my husband was very, very mean on the way home and would NOT stop at IKEA for us to spend several hours and several hundred dollars. He said that he had to work so that we'd have money to spend at IKEA next time. Sigh. He is so close to perfect but not quite there!

PS. I made something on the drive but you have to check out CraftyPoodle to see it!

1 comment:

Mary said...

I'm sitting at my desk having my tossed green salad for lunch and suddenly, I don't want it! I'd rather have pizza and cream puffs. It think it's good and beneficial for our kids to witness and learn much about the world around us...they hear horrific things about war on TV but a little more talk and exposure will make it seem real to them. Good job!