Monday, January 8, 2007

Ravens in the trees

Ravens in the trees
Originally uploaded by egret's nest.
How many ravens can you count in this picture?

It's a trick question, really, as the ravens at the top who look alone are actually two ravens snuggled up together. So, there are 7 in the picture. There was an 8th on the roof below where the lone one is roosted but it flew off just before I snapped the shot.

The ravens are getting very cuddly right now, strengthening their pair bonds and getting ready for breeding and rearing their young. There is lots of pairing off, food sharing, nuzzling, and displays of ruffs. Impressive and sweet all at once. I'll try to get some more shots of them in action! {ahem! raven soft porn?}

Ravens in Love
click to enlarge it on Flickr -- you can see it REALLY big!

I was back at school today and while there were some glitches, it was really nice to be back at work. I was happy to see my students and start working with them. Ruth and Gage were excited to see their friends and get back into the school groove.

It was a good day.


Mary said...

Awwww. Love birds. Keep watching and show us some good stuff!

It is nice to get back to normal and into the swing of things. My daughter never admitted this but I know she was excited to return to school after a long break.

amarkonmywall said...

Suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping...

Thanks for coming by to visit! Yes, it's a good table for sure and I'll post pictures of the set once it's completed in a week or two. In the meantime I posted bird remains for Mary today.

Coming here and looking over your site reminds me to put up a feeder here in Florida- I've been so focused on planting a bird friendly, eco friendly yard I forgot to fill a feeder!

Anonymous said...

O my goodness, you have such a wonderful blog here! How could I have ever missed you! You are added to my RSS feed now and will not miss a post now! BTW: Love the ravens!

Susan Gets Native said...

You hit on something here...
Birds are nice to watch, but not just because they are pretty. They also do interesting things. It's so cool to look at a bird and know there is a reason it is doing something.
More bird porn!

LauraHinNJ said...

You totally won't get this story, but I have to share it anyway.

One bird we hoped for on a trip to the Adirondacks was a Raven. We wandered around all sorts of backwater boggy places. One of the guys on the trip was sort of odd (as birders often are) and liked to imitate the way the trip leaders would try to call in birds. He thought he sounded good, you know. And he did it all the time - for the whole 5 day trip - even in the middle of dinner to be *funny*. So whenever I see a pic of a Raven or see where someone is talking about them I remember Mike and his constant *CRONK*ing. God was I ever glad to come home after that trip with him!

Unknown said...

Mary - Thanks! And, my kids were both loving school -- even the homework. That's what I love about breaks for them -- it makes them appreciate the stimulation and socializing they get at school.

Vicki - My pleasure! I'm looking forward to seeing that table when it's done. And, bird remains. Well, that's delightful!

mon@arch -- love your name, glad to have been found and to find your blog as well. Fantastic! Nice to see your pics on Flickr, too!

Susan -- the ravens at school are really special to me and the community they have, the things they do amaze me. I hope people aren't tired of them because I can't stop taking pictures of them and studying them.

Laura -- I've been on trips like that -- not bird trips but just trips with someone who THINKS he's funny and just is not. We had one on a houseboat trip when we were in college that was memorable. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Ohhh, I love ravens! I love going to AZ and seeing them there.